Yard Debris
Yard debris, leaves, stumps, etc. are collected in our wood waste area. Please call for rates on the disposal of stumps.
Mixed paper and cardboard are accepted at our materials recovery facility.
Household Hazardous Materials
Household hazardous materials are accepted from residents during all normal operating hours. This includes automotive fluids, cleaners, oil-based paints, and pesticides.
Since the materials go into storage, we cannot return containers. If you want your container back, you must wait for a time when the hazardous waste contractor is on site. Call the office at 540-586-7656 to find out when a contractor will be on site.
Latex-based paint is not hazardous and can be dried out with sand or kitty litter and discarder with your regular garbage.
- Explosives
- Radioactive materials
- Business or medical waste
- Farm waste
- Waste from individuals not residing in Bedford County
- 55-gallon drums